Emiliana Serbatoi has been awarded the “Loyalty to Work and Economic Progress 2024”


A Recognition for Entrepreneurial Commitment

A recognition for “the commendable and enduring entrepreneurial activity undertaken” and for contributing “to the economic development of the region,” while also acknowledging “the importance of work as a cornerstone of the Modena community.” With this motivation, Emiliana Serbatoi has been awarded the “Loyalty to Work and Economic Progress 2024” prize by the Chamber of Commerce of Modena. This accolade celebrates the commitment and achievements of the region’s entrepreneurial excellence.

Innovation and Sustainability Since 1983

The award honors entities distinguished by their longevity and contribution to local socio-economic development. In this context, Emiliana Serbatoi has been operating since 1983 with innovation, quality, and sustainability, contributing to the growth of Modena’s productive fabric on an international level. The recognition symbolically concludes the company’s 40th-anniversary celebrations, marked in 2023, as it was granted in acknowledgment of the milestone of four decades of entrepreneurial activity.

The Award Ceremony

The award ceremony, held in recent days at the Chamber of Commerce of Modena, saw the participation of local authorities and economic representatives. The commemorative plaque was presented by Giuseppe Molinari, president of the economic institution, to Giancarlo and Gian Lauro Morselli, the company’s founders. “This award identifies us as a historic company, one that has been adding value to the region for over 40 years,” said CEO Gian Lauro Morselli, sharing the recognition with the company’s staff. “It is not a ‘simple’ certificate but a symbol of the journey we have undertaken together – a journey of sacrifices, work, and growth. This recognition belongs to all of us: to those who were there at the beginning, in 1983, and especially to those who joined this team over the years, standing by my side and that of my father, Giancarlo.”

Looking Ahead

The “Loyalty to Work and Economic Progress” award is not just a certification of the results achieved over time but also an invitation to look forward with ambition. With this objective, Emiliana Serbatoi will continue to invest in technology and sustainability, strengthening its leadership in the sector and further contributing to the economic and social progress of the community.

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