Emiliana Serbatoi together with Modena Challenger ATP 75


Passion, investments, love for sports, strong connection with the territory and great International tennis.
These are the main ingredients of the famous men's tennis tournament Modena Challenger Atp 75: an important sport event hosted in the area of Modena, now in its 40th edition, that Emiliana Serbatoi decided to sponsor, sharing the same values and spirit.

From Sunday 30th June to Saturday 6th July, in Casinalbo di Formigine, on La Meridiana Club's red fields, Modena Challenger Atp 75, 40° Memorial Eugenio Fontana, 2° Assoservizi Group Trophy is taking place.
Emiliana Serbatoi is proudly “Partner Sponsor” of the competition: singles and doubles matches are the core of a tournament which is part of ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals).
Athlets from all over the world will be hosted in Club La Meridiana, and it will be the occasion to discover new talents and new "red field experts".

Supporting such a renowed tournament (Modena Challenger Atp 75) represent an undeniable way to back positive values of sport such as discipline, determination and respect.

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