Monitor fuel consumption to save in the company


Avoiding fuel waste is a priority for everyone, people and companies. But it is in the business world that this need becomes more urgent, not only for the higher diesel and petrol volumes used, compared precisely to private vehicles, but also because it is not always easy to have under control the vehicles consumption and the manner in which the qualified operators refuel.
There is a risk of losing the possibility of saving on one item, that of fuels, which, even in the light of recent raw materials cost increases, becomes more significant in the company’s balance sheet.
So that’s when, after having put paper, pen end calculator aside a long time ago, it is essential to have a fuel supply control system that works quickly and easily. The new technologies have given an important boost to this sector and there are several devices on the market: these are systems connected to tank and dispensers that you want to monitor, even far from each other, capable of “recording” each withdrawal in real time.
The refuelling, in particular, can be attributed directly to the single vehicles and to the operators, allowing therefore to have a detailed consumptions account.
Through a software management, normally accessible also via Internet, it is in fact possible to analyse the flow of fuel contained in storage tanks and also transportable ones, precisely also located in different operating and geographical locations, having under control the quantities dispensed or entered.
It is therefore possible to manage in a practical and fast way users and vehicles that are refuelled, their mileage and working hours and the actual litres of fuel dispensed to each individual user, also customizing the levels of withdrawals over time.
In addition to preventing any situation of unauthorized dispensing, it is also possible to have estimates of fuel consumption in order to optimize future purchases. Thus, achieving potential economic savings.
Company Emiliana Serbatoi has also launched a system, of course made in Italy, for the management and monitoring fuel delivery: Emiltouch®. One of the advantages of this product, technologically advanced but user-friendly in use, is the fact that vehicles recognition and operators is made through “physical” tags. There is no risk, therefore, to run into demagnetizations of cards, allowing you to work smoothly even in conditions of moisture and possible dirt.
With each Emiltouch® panel you can supervise up to three dispensing pumps each connected to two tanks, for a total coverage, therefore, of six tanks.
In addition, by combining the device with a level probe such ES-Level, it is possible to further monitor the fuels inside the tanks, obtaining information, for example, on the level of contained liquid, the presence of water and even on unauthorized fuel level drops.

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