Traditional vs new generation fuels: challenges for energy


 Foto di sergio souza da Pexels Foto di sergio souza da Pexels
How the traditional fuel market is going to look like in the future? In the next decades and might be for the whole century, fossil fuels will continue to provide energy for the transportations of people and goods; at the same time, in the energy transition era, thinking develops around the themes of transportation and mobility thanks to the new energy sources, as emerged also during the recent Glasgow Cop26 conference.
In the meantime, as results from the “oil market report” from Opec (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), the present tells us that oil demand will keep growing, as surveys highlight: for the fourth quarter of 2021 the hypothesis is of a requested 99.49 million barrels per day and, more generally, for the entire year 2021, the quota stands at 96.44 million barrels. Furthermore, an increase in demand of 4.2 million barrels per day is assumed for the year 2022, a figure that would raise the daily quota to 100.6 million barrels per day, about 0.5 million more than the levels of 2019.
These themes – energy, fuels and mobility services – will be discussed at Oil&nonoil fair that will take place in Verona from Wednesday November 24th to Friday November 26th. An event of international significance dedicated to the distribution chain of liquid and gaseous fuels, from storage to tank.
Offering to players and operators hypotheses about innovation and development paths for their activities the event draws attention to traditional and new sources and the businesses they will be able to nourish. In fact, the reference segment points at Oil&nonoil as a chance for confrontation and acknowledgment of the changes that have marked the fuel market in the last decade. Oil companies, Independent operators, managers, professional organisations, suppliers and carriers will meet in Verona to enrich and stimulate their activities and deepen their knowledge of political and legal themes regulating fuel distribution chain at each level.
Furthermore, Oil&nonOil constitutes the mirror of the technological and organizational transformation of the sector, a basis for reflection and evaluation of regulatory changes, commercial and marketing strategies.
The fair this year is combined with the appointment with Asphaltica which allows therefore the development of a new exhibition centre dedicated entirely to the road supply chain: from infrastructures to fuel distribution and mobility services. Emiliana Serbatoi is also present at the Verona kermesse. In fact, at stand E4 in hall 12, the Modena-based company exhibits not only the best solutions for storing, transporting and dispensing diesel, AdBlue® and lubricants with the best performing tanks on the market, from underground to transportable tanks; but it also illustrates the possibility of supervising and facilitating the management of fuels, for private fleets, thanks to technological solutions that monitor the flow of supplies.
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