Safety first, the regulations against the Covid infections


Safety first!

Safety first!
Safety first: not only that offered by our tanks, always in compliance with international regulations on the storage, transport and supply of fuels, as well as respectful of the environment, but also and above all safety within the company, that ensured to the personnel who work at Emiliana Serbatoi, guaranteeing the high quality of the products and services provided to customers.      
In this period of health emergency our daily activities continue in full compliance with the regulations against the spread of infections, verifying that all company procedures are carried out in compliance with the anti-Covid measures, with the primary objective of safeguarding as much as possible the health safety of employees, and at the same time striving to protect the health of customers, suppliers, carriers and business partners.
Also for this reason, where allowed, the operations of the Emiliana Serbatoi offices are organized according to the logic of "smart working", a reorganization that has already seen the remote performance of part of the professional activities since March, maintaining the production and operational rhythms unchanged and offering the usual, wide and rapid availability to customers, thanks also to the use of new technologies that allow to extend the possibilities of contact and speed up communications.
In addition, a further precaution was constituted by the swab tests to which the company's collaborators have been subjected in recent days: the clinical investigations on the possible presence of Coronavirus infection, carried out with preventive purposes and with entrustment to the staff of a specialized and independent laboratory, have returned a scenario of negativity for all the professional figures who have performed it, confirming the validity of the health protection measures implemented in the company of Campogalliano di Modena and San Donà di Piave di Venezia, where today more than ever “safety” is the keyword, a real value that Emiliana Serbatoi has always expressed, since its foundation in 1983, internally as well as in the commercial proposal, reaching international markets.
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